I've realized two things recently. I know I 'm a little slow! I avoid driving home from work on the old highway. I always continue on past it, and take the new highway and then drive in from the east side of town to get to the house. I do that because if I take the old highway, I drive past the corner that leads to the nursing home Mama stayed in for the last few months before she left us. Most nights I would hurry home from the dairy and stop in to see how the rest of Mama's day had gone after I left her to go to work that morning. At first she would greet me with an impatient "Where have you been?" I would tell her about the dairy and whatever other news I could think of, and she was satisfied with that. As time went by, she pretty much forgot about her house, and adjusted to being at the nursing home. She was always glad to see me, even though she wasn't exactly sure who I was, and though she didn't have much to say, she seemed to enjoy my company. We'll never know in this lifetime what went on in her mind during those last months she was with us.
Now, when I drive by that corner, I just miss her and that time we had every day.
The other thing is, I miss Mama the most at night. When I come home after work now, it is to an empty house. Before she had to go into the nursing home, she and I lived together. It was nice to have her there waiting for me, and I was always much relieved to know she was OK. After a few minutes of visiting (Where have you been?) I would fix something to eat, and even though my sister Myrna had come earlier to fix her supper, Mama was always ready to eat a bite with me.
Those were special times, brought about by unique circumstances, and my how I miss them! I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Mama, and we'll have a good visit then!
I have been doing a little fixing up around the house. I always have to get past wanting to leave it the way it has always been, and thinking of all the hard work Mama and Daddy put into this little house. Then I realize it has been 20 or more years since anything at all has been done, and I can justify changing some things!
I have always wanted more light in the rooms, so I took out the old wall light in the dining room, and added a ceiling light. While I was at it, I added a plug-in for the wall by the couch. Doing all that wiring meant I had to take the wall down to the studs, so I had to put in new wall board. So I had to finish that off again, and I put a coat of primer on it until I am ready to paint the whole room. The other part of this current project is widening the doorway between the kitchen and dining room. That was a big messy job that involved taking out a heat run. I am close to finished with it now - just some minor details left. It is hard to believe what a difference it makes in both rooms to have that wall down! It is much more open and bright! I think Mama and Daddy would love it!