Several Inches of Snow!
As I write this, I am looking out at a fresh blanket of snow that fell during the night. It was a Christmas card sort of night, and I enjoyed seeing it. But oh, am I ready for spring!
I just finished transplanting my cabbage seedlings, so they can grow healthy roots and get ready to put out into the garden. I still have seeds I bought here that traveled with me from Texas! As I worked with the little plants, I remembered how lovely it was just to be at that nursery. Far out in the country where it is peaceful, and with the "lost pines " overhead, the kind of place you want to linger. The nursery is entirely outdoors, and their seed department is a group of old shelves that hold huge cans of seeds! You grab an envelope and scoop out what you want. When you could finally tear yourself away, it was "Y'all come back!"
If I were in Texas now, I would be preparing my garden soil, and that trip to Bastrop would be a priority. My garden was usually in by the middle of March.
Now that I am back home, I will have to wait a while longer. The seed catalogues have been coming in the mail, and I pass the time looking through them. Spring will come again! It always does!
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat
summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22