Rylan, my great-nephew, turned 7 Saturday, so yesterday we had to celebrate the occasion. Here he is with his new camouflage shirt. You can see by the little grin how excited he was! There's a lot of enthusiasm for outdoor sports in the family, and it is nice to think of the fun they can all have together hunting and fishing.
Our Pastor Jake said yesterday that the word "awesome" is over-used, and as a result has lost much of its meaning. But Jesus truly is "awesome!" When he said "Follow me" people dropped what they were doing and followed him. The touch of Jesus' hand healed many of their diseases, even commanding those who were lame to walk, and they did. Spirits obeyed his command to stop their torment, and even the wind and the sea became calm at his word.
If we allow him to, He can do awesome things in our lives today too. He can remove our doubts and calm our fears. Knowing him can bring new purpose and direction into our lives.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33