Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our God is a God of power and goodness, who loves us and knows our souls.
We praise him with joyful hearts:
We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.
We bless you, Almighty God, King of all things.
We are in the wrong; we have sinned; but you have called us
to know your truth and serve you in your greatness.
God, you chose to open wide the doors of your compassion:
do not let us stray from the path of true life.
As we celebrate the resurrection of your beloved Son,
let us spend this day in spiritual rejoicing.
Lord, give your faithful a spirit of prayer and praise,
and let us always give you thanks.
Lord, may your grace go always before us and behind us:
may it make us constantly eager to do good works.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.
Photo: Awesome statue looking out over those at rest in the Lake City, Iowa cemetery.